Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ah... Sisterly Love!

Natalie, 12 (left) and Alyssa, 14 (right) are 19 months apart... this means that they've spent their entire lives being together and sharing everything.  They share a room; they share clothes and makeup; they share games, movies, music.  They've always got each others' backs (which can be a little frustrating for parents when the "sister code" comes into play and we can't weasel information out of one about the other) and they genuinely are great friends.

This is NOT to say that they're anything alike though.  Alyssa likes pink and red, skirts/dresses and girliness, Avril Lavigne and the drama of middleschoolers.  Natalie loves purple and Star Wars, jeans and Converse, and is commonly labeled as our "tomboy".  While they almost always get along (sometimes with a little prompting, because, what kind of siblings would they be if they didn't fight every once in a while)... sometimes, they just have to attack each other!

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