Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 4: 1/22/12-1/28/12

Sunday January 22nd: In this house, we go through a TON of bananas.  Natalie has one most days and Nate eats two for breakfast every day he's working.  That being said, I usually can't fit them all in a single bag at the grocery store, and I've had to start going at least once a week (instead of my bi-weekly trips I'd planned for).  Sometimes, though, the bananas don't get eaten before they start to get a little icky looking.  This was the case with the last bunch, as the girls and Nate were all home Monday for the MLK holiday.  So, I had 3 nasty looking bananas sitting on the chair with two bushels of pretty yellow-green ones.  And I decided to put them to use.  The other deliciousness that I made up yesterday was my friend's mom's simple banana bread.  I think I cooked it a little too long - recipe called for an hour, and I let it sit in the oven for 55 minutes, but it probably would've been done and nice and gooey on top around 45 minutes.  So this morning, we're feasting on ham and cheese scrambled eggs with bacon and banana bread before settling in for a day of video games with Daddy.  Hudson is holding his head up almost all the time now, which is fantastic for his progress, but makes it difficult to burp him.  While he was trying to roll over a little bit ago, he seems to have lost interest in it recently.  Guess we need to start working on that here shortly.  He's 7 weeks old today, and I still haven't updated my ticker to show that he's no longer in-utero - > top of the to-do list.
Monday, January 23rd: I jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon. Not really sure what the big deal is, but I am enjoying looking at what other people like.

Tuesday, January 24th: Today we went to Raleigh to celebrate (belatedly) Mimi's birthday with dinner at Ruby Tuesday... and I fit back into my size 2 jeans for the first time!

Wednesday, January 25th: Go Georgia Bulldogs!!  Hudson's become super-drooly all of a sudden, so we've broken out a ton of bibs from Jessica and Marcia to try to keep the drool (and sometimes spit up) off his outfits for more than 10 minutes.
Thursday, January 26th: Snuggley day at home day (after running to work with daddy first thing to get paperwork).  More cleaning of Hudson's clothes unearthed some really cute outfits that I had to get on him at least once before they were too tiny - here's one of my favorites!
Friday, January 27th: Today was a crazy busy day!  I had a million and one errands to run, so this is the attempt at a chub-a-lub picture from the 10 minutes of down-time we had around 8 this morning before: getting the brakes fixed, taking lunch to Daddy, eating lunch ourselves, buying diapers at Babies R Us, visiting old office buddies, getting adult beverages for the weekend, going to the post office, and grocery shopping at both BJs and Walmart.  What a sweet baby during the 10+ hours we were on the road!
Saturday, January 28th: Tomorrow is Natalie's 13th birthday, but we're going to celebrate today.  After a bit of a drama-fiasco (ah, teenage girls), the surprise plan has been simplified to Mimi and Megan coming to visit, a trip to Celebration Station for mini golf, go karts, and arcade games.  We pigged out on pizza, breadsticks, and Cheetos while watching the end of Glee season 1 beforehand (Megan's addicted, so I was jumping on the bandwagon) and Bojangles and pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing afterwards.  Hope she had a good time!

This week I was really bad, and I apologize.  I posted Sunday on its day, but didn't make any notes again until the following Monday when I realized I'd missed the posting deadline (good thing I'm doing this for me and not as part of a community)... so this week's updates are going to seem a little lame. Sorry!

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