Saturday, September 15, 2012

8 Weeks Pregnant

Today is: September 15, 2012

How far along: 8  weeks

Total weight gain: not tracking right now since we're on vacation - I like to use the same scale and the same clothing (or lack thereof in this case)... plus we're on vacation and I'm sure I've put on like 25 pounds!

Baby is the size of: About the size of a kidney bean or a raspberry. Just over 1/2 an inch, and about .04 oz.

What's going on with the babe: Baby's "tail" is gone. In the brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect to one another. Taste buds are now forming!

What's going on with the mama: Oh hello feeling pregnant, I'm not sure I'm ready for you.

Baby is a: boy or a girl... too soon to tell.

Maternity clothing: I brought a pair of workout gouchos that I got at the end of my Hudson pregnancy that were WAY too tight, but they're just stretchy pants with a fold-over waistband.  They still fall down a bit, but they're really comfy.

Sleep: Ugh! Hudson's so out of whack with all this travelling that sleep has been an elusive beast.  I hope things get back to normal once we get home... and that the nausea will stay away at night.

Movement: Too soon to feel.

Food cravings/aversions: Smells are starting to become more pronounced, delicious one second and stomach-churning the next. 

Symptoms: nasty acne, nausea, and potty breaks like crazy; a little more exhaustion, but that might just be because of all the travelling.

How this pregnancy is different than before: Still a little crampy, but this pregnancy is screaming "girl" to me with all the similarities to Kylie and all the crap I didn't have with Hudson.

How the big brother was this week: Teeth #3 and #4 are in!!  Hudson is really steady standing alone now and will do it for multiple minutes, but gets scared/frustrated and just bends over and gives up rather than taking a step.  He's out of whack, and I'm sure will love getting back to Daddy soon-ish.  As soon as we got to Georgia, his allergies went haywire.  He can't breathe, has swollen/itchy eyes, and is clingy.

The best moment(s) of this past week: Myrtle was amazing... so relaxing!  Aside from the weirdness of having to actually sleep in the bed with Hud, it's been a nice break.

I'm looking forward to: The rest of the roadtrip!! It was great starting out our vacation seeing Bill & Sherry, and I can't wait to see everyone else too.

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