Saturday, September 22, 2012

9 Weeks Pregnant

Today is: September 22, 2012

How far along: 9 weeks (sorry, no picture, we've been on the road ALL day and it totally slipped my mind)

Total weight gain: Still not tracking since we're on vacation.  I might not document next week either, depending on how quickly I can get back into a good eating routine, otherwise the weight might just be food rather than pregnancy.

Baby is the size of: A grape, 1" and about 0.7 oz.

What's going on with the babe: Lots going on this week! Baby is no longer an embryo, but is now a fetus! Essential body parts are accounted for. This week, baby's heart finishes dividing into the four chambers, and the valves start to form, as do his/her tiny teeth! Organs, muscles and nerves are kicking into gear. External sex organs are there, but wouldn't be distinguishable for a few weeks, yet. Eyes are fully formed, and eyelids are fused shut until about 27 weeks. Baby has tiny earlobes, and the mouth, nose and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough to take over now.

What's going on with the mama: Just feeling pregnant and trying to come to grips with it.  I think it'll be more real when I hear the heartbeat, see the baby (please, can't I have an ultrasound to date the pregnancy?), and/or feel movement (whenever that happens).

Baby is a: ?? I'm thinking girl.

Maternity clothing: Just the super comfy gouchos, but only when I'm at "home."

Sleep: Same eh-ness as last week.

Movement: It's happening, but it's too soon to feel it, yet.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really stands out, but being around really potent smells upsets my stomach.

Symptoms: acne, nausea, exhaustion, a little bloating, lots of pottying, and the begining of smell aversion.

How this pregnancy is different than the first: I'm starting to bloat sooner than before, but don't have an actual "baby bump" yet, luckily.

How the big brother was this week: Phew!  He's been under the weather, but hanging in there considering the circumstances.  He's learned to wave "hi" and "bye-bye" (and they're different motions with different hands), can successfully pick food up off his tray and get it into his mouth consistently, he'll stand on his own steadily and for multiple minutes, and I think his gums are starting to itch with more teeth.

The best moment(s) of this past week: getting to see friends and family, watching how big Hudson has gotten and all the things he's learned/perfected.

I'm looking forward to: finally being home... not that seeing everyone is bad, but it'll be nice to find a routine;  our first OB appointment (they don't do ultrasounds until 20 weeks, supposedly, but we'll see since I was so high risk before), closing the refinance on our house, which will drop our mortgage payment by over $300.

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